Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Strata" by Meltdown Glass Art and Design, LLC

  • What is "Strata" by Meltdown Glass Art and Design?
"Strata" is just one of 32 standard textures offered for glass panels by Meltdown Glass Art and Design, LLC. All meltdown glass is kiln-cast and comes with a variety of treatment options such as: sand blasting, fused metals, mirroring silver, fused dichoic glass, and tack fused glass.
  • Where can it be used?
"Strata" and other Meltdown glass designs can be used anywhere: commercial and hospitality, restaurants, residential, furniture, liturgical, etc.
  • Durability and cleaning?
This glass is very durable and can be laminated for extra strength. Cleaning is very easy: use a lint-free cloth and normal glass cleaner.
  • What colors are available?
Color treatment options are: tinted, hand-applied fused color, and cold applied color.
  • Green attributes?
None mentioned
  • Web address for Meltdown Glass Art and Design, LLC:

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